Period 9

Decoding Energy Transformation: Crafting a Path to Success in the New World

Do you think that the world is getting crazy and crazier?

Everything seems out of control. Technology, economic development, society, and even the climate have rapidly changed.

And it’s true, the energy that surrounds our world has changed. And the changes are even faster than before. Like a fire burning in the forest. But this fire is not unexpected, and there is a reason why you seem to feel the energy changes. We are in Period 9.

But what is Period 9?

It was pouring heavily that afternoon at Mandalika circuit in Lombok.

The motor race needed to be postponed for an unknown amount of time. The racers were restless… the audience was disappointed because they had to wait long to watch the race. The organizer went panicking when they saw the circuit was inundated with water. 

How are they going to stop the rain?

Then, suddenly, walking along the motorbike racetrack came this lady with a white safety helmet carrying a Tibetan singing bowl. Rara, the rain handler lady, was confidently walking on the asphalt surface, striking her mallet to the singing bowl.

She chanted prayer and talked to the sky. The rich bell sound didn’t stop vibrating, sending energy to ward off the downpour.

And not long after, the rain stopped.

The people were flabbergasted. Rara’s heroic action magically saved the MotoGP event. In seconds the young rain handler’s performance becomes viral. She became a phenomenal figure who brings unique entertainment to MotoGP Indonesian GranPrix.

The Tibetan singing bowls actually have long been used for meditation and therapy. The bowls produce sound and vibration, sending energy that believed can affect the mind and body.

When Rara was asked why she needed to use the singing bowl for meditation to ward off the rain, she said that a rain handler needs to have a meditative attitude and use sound to generate energy for moving the clouds.

To move our own “clouds” we first need to know about time and energy, and why it plays an important role in constructing our thoughts and feelings. By being aware of the existence of energy and releasing your energy, you will be able to make great improvements in all aspects of your life.

But first, there are three fundamental things you need to understand to be able to move the “clouds” and create your own momentum, and they are:

  1. Energy and Vibration
  2. Energy (Qi) in Chinese metaphysics
  3. The Period energy

These are the basic elemental knowledge to understand before going deeper into Chinese metaphysics and also understanding the importance of energy change.

So, before we view Chinese metaphysics as some kind of woo-woo or mysticism, let’s look at a few fundamental things first, shall we?

1. What is so important about Energy and Vibration?

Have you ever witnessed people singing in a church, at a concert, or even in the bathroom? They often feel energized while singing. This is due to the nature of sound waves, which consist of vibrating particles. When you are filled with vibration, you are at a high energy level. At this point, everything seems to flow smoothly, akin to the movement of clouds or a specific transformative change.

Everything that we desire, has some energy level.

It’s essential to recognize that every outcome that you desire has a certain level of energy. So to get those things that we want, we must increase our energy to align with the frequency of that desired outcome. In other words, we need to become better and improve ourselves until we match that level of frequency. Once you achieve that alignment, the desired outcome becomes attainable.

So what happens if your frequency doesn’t match?

Well, you just can’t connect. As simple as that.

Therefore, there is this saying, ‘Birds of a feather flock together‘. However, this principle often only holds true until a certain energy time (FYI, energy changes every time). You may have already experienced a situation where, as you become more successful in your career, the friends you used to hang out with somehow distance themselves from you or even disappear, despite your feeling that you haven’t done anything wrong.

This proves that the frequency level is already changing, and you may sense a gap in between. Your new frequency attracts a different group of people at a higher level. Now, you find yourself with another flock of birds

The same thing happens in a romantic relationship.

If one partner is advancing rapidly while the other remains stagnant, engaging in the same routine without a desire for improvement a.k.a. the other half stops progressing, they will inevitably drift apart. The frequencies are no longer aligned. So it may not be surprising if a third party suddenly enters the picture, making it easier for the relationship to unravel.

Therefore it is so important to increase your energy level every day. If you have a partner, challenge your partner to grow together and become better. When you feel positive about yourself, your energy level will naturally increase, attracting the positive outcomes you desire.

2. From the Chinese Metaphysics point of view, everything is time and energy

Everything that occurs at any given time involves a certain level of energy. The foundation of Chinese Metaphysics revolves around the concept of Qi, which translates to energy. Feelings, thoughts, and emotions are considered forms of energy. For instance, when we experience positive emotions, it reflects positive energy. The entire system of Chinese Metaphysics is dedicated to studying how time and energy interact.

In Chinese Metaphysics, Qi is divided into three kinds of energy levels that are called Cosmic Trinity and they are Heaven, Earth, and Man.

Let’s see how ‘Heaven’ energy is beyond your control.

In this context, ‘Heaven’ does not denote something angelic or a godlike environment. ‘Heaven’ energy refers to energy that was given to you the moment you are born, and this is something beyond your control. It’s essentially the blueprint that is predetermined for you. For example, where you are born, who are your parents, the kind of family you were born into, and so on. The economic situations and market trends also fall under the umbrella of Heaven energy. You can influence, but you can not control it.

The good news is that even though you can not change what ‘Heaven’ has given to you, it doesn’t mean you can not change your destiny. A person who possesses all the high cards doesn’t mean he is going to win the game.

You can get Earth energy anywhere on Earth.

Everywhere you go, you can always encounter this ‘Earth’ energy. It’s literally the energy that surrounds the earth. By placing yourself in a location with positive energy, you may experience the benefits of being exposed to that positive energy.

Let’s say you feel happier when you are sitting in the living room instead of in the study room. That means the living room has more positive energy. So automatically you will spend time more there and benefit from that good energy.

The same thing happens when you mix with positive people. You will get benefit from their good energy and you will become a positive person. Who you spend time with is who you become.

The ‘Man’ energy is also important.

Even if you already possess ‘Heaven’ and ‘Earth’ luck, without taking any action, there will be no transformation. Everything will remain the same. Don’t underestimate the ‘Man’ energy, this energy is crucial to leverage the other two energies, ‘Heaven’ and ‘Earth’.

So what is ‘Man’ energy?

The ‘Man’ energy is all about the person’s actions and mindset. This is the area where we need to work the most. If you have positive thoughts, you can usually take action and create whatever outcome you want. Remember those gurus and coaches who loudly shout at you to always have a positive mind?

Whether you like it or not, these three kinds of energy will always influence our well-being. But if we understand how this energy works, and acknowleged its impact on our lives, we gain the ability to shape our destiny and pave our path forward.

But did you know that there is another powerful energy that can influence the cosmic trinity? It is called the ‘Period’ energy.

3. The ‘Period’ energy is the force of energy that can trigger big change.

‘Period’ energy in Chinese Metaphysics comes in a cycle. There is a Three-Cycle in the 9 periods as shown in the picture below.

Period Cycle in Feng Shui

The cycle usually begins from Period 1 until Period 9 and then comes back to Period 1 again. You can see from the chart that every period lasts for 20 years.

20 years is not a short time.

Until the end of 2023, we are still in Period 8. The next period, which is Period 9 will start from 2024 until 2043. This shift in periods is considered important, as over because, in 20 years, numerous changes and transformations can occur.

But of course, these changes won’t be as abrupt as a volcano eruption. It doesn’t mean that as soon as we reach 2024, a sudden calamity will take place, and angels will descend from heaven to save us.

There will be no such thing.

The change of energy feels more like a change of season, from winter to spring where you can already feel at the end of winter, the days are longer and you can see flowers start blooming.

So how do we make use of this information about period change?

We need to be aware that every period carries a certain energy. These periods have a Triagram or symbol that represents their time, describing the energy that exists in that period as you can see in the picture above.

Period 8 started in 2004 until 2023, and it’s symbolized by Gen Gua. This Gen Gua belongs to the Earth element, often represented by mountains, the youngest son, spine, and bones. Therefore if you realize, during this period a lot of young billionaires have been created and most of them are young guys.

Also during Period 8, energy-related systems like metaphysics, yoga, reiki, astrology, and other spiritual things, suddenly came into popularity. Although we know that those things have been around quite some time, if you really notice, only in this particular Period 8 did they somehow receive the most attention.

Now the Period 8 quality of energy is gradually receding.

Like an old battery, the Period 8 energy has started to weaken. The new Period energy, that is Period 9, starting to make its grand entrance. In fact, this new energy already made a teaser in the year 2017.

As you may have noticed, since 2017, things in the world have already begun to change, particularly in the realm of technology. This transformation, often regarded as the First wave, is expected to conclude in 2024 when the new Period 9 begins—what we might refer to as the Second wave.

What’s actually in Period 9?

Period 9 is symbolized by Li Gua. Unlike Gen Gua (the element in period 8), Li Gua belongs to the Fire element. As the name suggests, situations around the world will start to look like the characteristics of fire.

If you light up a candle, for example, you’ll somehow find yourself drawn to the flame it produces. The flickering spark of fire suddenly captures your attention.

So naturally, in Period 9 everything will be based on “Attention”. It’s like when the forest is on fire, the wind would easily spread the fire from one point to another direction, creating another fire, and at the end burning the forest. However, fire can be easily extinguished and disappear… until someone else creates another fire.

The market trend now has shifted from an effort-based (earth in period 8) to an attention-based (fire in period 9) economy.

New companies can quickly surpass the old ones, for instance, Tesla overtook not only General Motors but also Ford in just a few years. Similarly, Kylie Cosmetics disrupted the centuries-old industry dominated by giants like Estee Lauder, just by leveraging their massive following on Instagram and Snapchat. Social media captures attention so fast, much like the characteristics of fire.”

And this game of throne will still continue.

But then, how do we make alignment with the elements in Period 9?

Of course, there are new opportunities for Period 9 that worth to be considering.

The Li Gua symbol is represented by Technology, Spirituality, and the Middle daughter. This ‘middle daughter’ in layman’s terms can be translated as a ‘middle-aged woman’.

In fact, you already see the new trend that’s coming. A lot of middle-aged women started to raise power. They are now dominating the workforce, unlike the previous periods. These women now hold high positions in companies, filling up the boardroom, and having a great influence in society.

If you are a woman, be prepared to reap big benefits in Period 9 because women will be in power.

Yes, it’s about time anyway.

But if you happen to be a guy, there’s no need to start thinking about changing your gender because of this phenomenon. You can also get this business opportunity. How? Start to look at what the middle age women need in the market. When women have powerful spending power, what do they usually want? If a woman is successful, what does she lack?

Fill this gap.

Most probably what a female boss usually lacks is time. So the business opportunity you can think of to cater to these “women in power” can be starting a childcare business for example. Help these working moms or working single moms who are busy with their work by offering services to look after their children, so they can continue working while also caring for their children.

Another example is opening a skincare and aesthetic clinic to cater to these powerful women. Anyway, all women want to look perfect, beautiful, and of course… ageless.

They usually have insecurities surrounding aging and hence, they are potential customers for the beauty treatment business. Needless to say, there are many more business ideas as women often crave so many things to compare to men. The opportunity is abundant as long as you search for the right information.

And information is very easy to access in Period 9.

In fact, people will get overloaded with information. The constant inflow of information from social media and news outlets, as you might have already seen and experienced, can quietly cause someone to suffer.

People start to get this “information indigestion” illness which ultimately prompts them to seek solace in the pursuit of wisdom and inner peace. You can offer solutions to help these people find balance and inner peace in their lives and help them thrive in today’s fast-paced data-driven world.

Services such as wellness and mindfulness programs in the form of meditation apps, mindfulness retreats, breathing exercises, and even metaphysics will be in demand. Mental health services that offer therapy or counseling, can also see an increase as many individuals seek support and guidance in managing their mental well-being.

Another business that could come up to help people with an information overload is software tools to organize, filter, and prioritize data, such as productivity software or digital assistants.

The market become so competitive that people strive to become better at their skills, so education and training programs that focus on technology, innovation, and sustainability are likely to have strong business opportunities in the future.

Despite all the disruptions, the first step toward change is Awareness.

Just be aware of this change of energy. This way, you can start maximizing the opportunities available in the upcoming second wave of Period 9. This wave will last until 2043.

Twenty years is a very long time and many things could happen.

Be prepared to change gears (if you’re not already), renew your skills, and gain this unfair advantage. Just like Rara using her singing bowl to ward off the rain. Have a meditative attitude, and generate the energy for moving the clouds.

This is only my point of view as a student of Chinese metaphysics. Other gurus might think differently and that’s okay. The universe is not rigid and there is no right and wrong. It’s all about Yin and Yang.

This article was previously published in Medium.